What is a virtual interview?
A virtual interview is an interview that takes place without physical contact, sometimes over the phone, but often using technology like video conferencing and other online communication platforms. Moreover, in this pandemic situation covid-19 virus make a virtual interview is a necessary practice. A virtual interview makes communication needs special considerations and adjustments due to the finite ability to read body language and facial expressions.

1. Test your technology beforehand
Check all of your technology at least a day before your virtual interview to make sure it works and can be used to communicate effectively. This means having a working computer that meets technical specifications, downloading any necessary software, and ensuring the connection is strong enough to support streaming video. Check your internet connection in the 15 to 30 minutes before your interview, and sign in to the video or phone meeting provided by the HR representative or hiring manager. Turn on the sound and video to ensure everything is in working order in time for your conversation.
2. Wear professional attire
You should dress the same as you would in a physical interview because doing so will make you appear professional and excited about the opportunity. It will also make you feel more prepared and confident. If you are not sure, business casual is a good standard to follow. A proper outfit example for men and women is a button-down shirt and blazer with slacks.
3. Prepare in advance
Just because you are in front of your computer does not mean you should depend on the ability to quickly lookup answers or rely on pre-written answers you can refer to. You should prepare in advance so that you are able to have a natural conversation. Employers may give you a list of questions in advance or they will ask you to give answers without prior knowledge of the questions. If this is the case, prepare the same way you would for an in-person interview:
Plan your answers for commonly-asked interview questions
Carefully the job description noting your relevant qualifications
Prepare relevant examples of your achievements and experiences

4. Limit distractions
A suitable place to take an interview in your home is a quiet spot with few distractions. Choose a clean and professional-looking room so that the interviewer can focus their attention on you and not what is around you. Place your computer on a table or desk instead of your lap or couch. Tell people in the house about the area that you will be using as well as the time of your interview. Respectfully explain that during this time, it is best that the house stays quiet with finite distractions. If possible, you might as well place pets in a designated room during critical working hours.
5. Use professional body language
Because using video or phone finite the ability to interact with body language, it is important to make use of body language in a definite, professional way. For instance, if you get a question that is unexpected, make sure to stay confident and take a moment to collect your thoughts. Sit up straight and make sure your camera is placed so that your face is in the middle of your screen. Instead of shake hands ( in a physical interview), find other alternatives to greet and exude enthusiasm, like smiling and giving a confident wave with eye contact.
6. Build rapport
Establishing rapport is crucial in any business relationship because it allows you to stand out from other candidates by building a personal connection with the interviewer. When communicating virtually, we still need to find ways to establish rapport. You can do this by being prepared to talk about a common interest such as asking how your interviewer’s experience has been with virtual interviews or by finding some other neutral topic with which to know more about your interviewer.

7. Be authentic
Recruiters will observe how you express yourself in order to understand whether you are a good fit for the company. Use tools like your body language, facial expressions, and interview preparations to show your confidence and personality as it relates to the position.
8. Follow up
Plan to send a well-timed follow-up after your interview. It's a great practice to send a follow-up email within 24 hours of an interview, express gratitude to the interviewer for their time, and letting them know you're at hand if they have any additional questions. Reach out to the HR representative or hiring manager you’ve been speaking with to get a list of your interviewers’ emails.
Having a well-planned strategy for a virtual job interview is very important because it determines how the interviewer sees you as in person to fit in the position in their company. To meet your dream job, Recruit Hero's intelligent job matching enables everyone to land better jobs without having to waste time searching and applying for jobs. All you need is to sign up and just wait for offers directly from companies!